The weather is definitely turning, and rapidly approaching a point I haven't experienced in California. My weekend in London two weeks ago encouraged my repressed desire for a better (and therefore expensive) winter jacket. Paris last weekend settled my internal dispute, and I knew that I would have to buy a new coat soon. I kept putting the task off because I don't know from which stores to buy a coat, neither how to determine the quality of a coat, and I feared spending an entire day uncomfortably wandering through the shopping areas in the city. Thankfully, I found a nice jacket in the second store I entered, and purchased it just a few hours before the storm hit Utrecht. 

I'm so close to getting snow, and it's so exciting! The hail and wind was pretty intense last night - so intense, in fact, that the wind blew my bedroom door shut while the window was closed. It was challenging to keep the apartment from freezing over with the wind howling through the windows. Today while shopping for gifts, I was happily caught in some very snow-like hail. The snow must be coming this month, and I'm so excited! I hope snow falls before I leave for Italy (but not so much as to delay my flight). I don't think the other Europeans will appreciate this wish, but as a Californian, it is very exciting!
12/8/2013 10:17:46 am

We were supposed to get snow here two nights ago, above 2500 ft. I don't think it happened though because we didn't see any on Mt. Diablo the next day.

Clare got me a warm sweater for the upcoming trip... How cold is it exactly?

12/11/2013 05:23:40 am

It is cold. It's December and dips below freezing. You see your breath when walking, and even if totally bundled up you can't help your nose and lips going numb. I imagine it will be worse in January after some snow has possibly hit. Sweater+warm jacket with a hood+scarf+gloves.


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